The Following- Easter Eggs – Dying Light Guide


The Following- Easter Eggs – Dying Light Guide

This page contains information on Easter Eggs found in Dying Light: The

Dying Light The Following Easter Egg Alien GUN!!!!! Blueprint !!!!

Dying Light The Following Easter Egg Alien GUN!!!!! Blueprint!!!!
Folge video Fundorte der steine/Stones 😉
Hi Leute !
Wenn ihr mehr sehen wollt könnt ihr mir ja gerne ein abo geben und ich halte euch auf den laufenden .
Oder schreibt was ihr sehen wollt , CO-OP oder andere easter eggs.

ПАСХАЛКИ и СЕКРЕТЫ в Dying Light: The Following [Easter Eggs]

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Dying Light: The Following

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Dying Light: The Following All Easter Eggs And Secrets HD

Watch 100 Best Easter Eggs In 100 Video Games:

All Easter Eggs and Secrets found in Dying Light The Following DLC (Enhanced Edition) including all Strange Rocks with Full Location Guide! The video only covers DLC Easter Eggs!

► Watch Dying Light All Easter Eggs And Secrets:

MUSIC (In order):
1. Loading Theme
2. The Fight
3. Stealth
4. Main Theme

LIST of Easter Eggs:
01. Secret Alternative Ending + Team Dying Light Outfit
* You need 3 items: Military Access Card, Transport Key and Nuclear Codes
02. Harry Potter And The Haunted House (Ghost visit)
03. Indiana Jones’ Skeleton
04. Cast Away + Wilson Ball
05. Chicken on a Stick / Extraterrestrial Chicken
06. Mad Max Buggy + Super Shotgun
07. Zombie Thor
08. The Witcher 3: The Hunt (Bloody Baron) Reference
09. The Button + Developers’ Studio (New Game GDD)
10. Special Packages (Left4Bread Bakery + Techland)
11. World’s Best Dad
12. Zelda’s Sword
13. Resort Hotel (Dead Island Reference)
14. David and Goliath
15. 170L USS Techland (NCC 170L Enterprise Star Trek Reference)
16. Strange Rocks + Alien Abduction (Full Location Guide):
* the one that is ‘out of map’ is located at the end of the tunnel (violatile hive)
* The location guide is for PC / #07 rock can be found at different location on consoles

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